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Our School

The Clifton Area Neighborhood School (CANS) serves the historic Spring Grove, Clifton and CUF (Clifton Heights, University Heights and Fairview) neighborhoods. Our school now serves preschool and kindergarten through fifth grade students. We are a school on the grow, and additional grades will be added annually until we offer grades from preschool through sixth.

Cincinnati Public Schools launched our school in response to community requests for a public school dedicated to the three noted community areas. CPS worked with the CANS Advisory Group, a coalition of community volunteers, to develop and launch the new school for the 2017-18 school year.

We are a neighborhood public elementary school, offering guaranteed admittance to children living within the established boundaries who are the appropriate age for offered grade levels. Admittance does not involve a lottery.

Before and After School Care

There are many options that parents & guardians consider for before and after-school care. Our school is next to the Clifton Recreation Center. You may seek to signup for their 2023-2024 programs online or by calling them at 513-961-5681.

Community Learning Centers

For our schools to transform, our communities must be revitalized. For our communities to revitalize, our schools must be transformed. They are dependent on each other and Community Learning Centers are the link. Our school will become a Community Learning Center.